Review: Sex. Love. Repeat. by Alessandra Torre


I commend A. Torre for coming up with such an original storyline.  The blurb alone will pique your interest.  It’s hard to put this one down once you start especially since she has a way with words that will completely captivate you from the get-go.


Although the story is mainly told from the heroine’s POV, there are 3 other POVs.  Personally, I felt the other POVs where pointless since they had no major impact on the overall plot.  If anything those additional POVs made it harder for me to grasp and accept the ending.  There were also times that the author does flashbacks in which I felt myself spending more time figuring out the sequence of events.


Overall, this definitely was far from the typical love story/love triangle that’s out currently out there.  The twist in the story definitely was unexpected & completely destroyed my vision of what would have been my HEA for the story.  Unfortunately, we can’t always get what we want, right?  Still, it’s a good read & I definitely would recommend it.



ARC provided by Netgalley for an honest review.